• Anti-gay prejudice

    Antiprejudicead, prejudicead, prejudice ad, antiprejudicead.net, anti prejudice ad ,
    I was a child in the late 1950s and early ’60s when the protests for racial equality were occurring in the South. My childish response was to vow to grow up, go to the South and open a restaurant where only African Americans were welcome. My mother, excellent teacher that she was, took the time to explain the fallacy of “separate but equal.”
    I hope that Gov. John Lynch will reflect on this when the bill to allow gay marriage comes to his desk. Inclusion is always better for society than exclusion. We still struggle with so many forms of prejudice. If we hope to someday eradicate prejudice, and I hope we do, we cannot allow any opportunity to squelch it to pass us by.
    Governor Lynch, take this opportunity to eliminate a portion of the institutionalized prejudice in this country. If we allow fear to hold us back, we will never advance our society.
    I hope that someday your children will look back and see that you had the courage to recognize the right thing to do. Please sign the bill into law.
    Thanks http://www.cmonitor.com/


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