• Good Weight Loss Tips

    So the President appeared on Jay Leno and tried to showcase himself as the average busy executive. He did pretty well, considering it’s a little odd to see the President on a talk show.
    Except for the gaffe about bowling like a Special Olympian. That’s one of the reasons you don’t do late night TV–the temptation to be an actor, or comedian is just too great, and Obama really wanted to bring down the house.
    If Sarah Palin said something like that, we would never hear the end of it. She is perceived by the liberal media as being stupid and incompetent, and that type of comment would give the pundits something to talk about for a long time to come. I guess Obama got off easy.
    And then there is Speaker of the House Pelosi, meeting with illegal immigrants, and telling them what patriots they are”like she would know. Pelosi comes from a bankrupt state, and one of the things that put the state in the drink was the cost of free health care for illegals. And with Obama we get more of the same. Not only will these people not pay any taxes, they’ll get benefits denied to those who work hard and play by the rules. Change you can believe in, right?
    Okay, let’s change the subject.
    I want to offer you some easy fat loss tips. If you want to lose weight, you have to lose fat. To lose fat you must increase your metabolism.
    1. Consume as much water as you can. That means plain water, not soda, or energy drinks, or so-called fitness drinks. Each day, while you are awake, your body requires 16 ounces of water every two hours. If you are exercising at a vigorous pace you need to increase that amount by quite a bit. Especially if you are exercising in the heat — you might need up to a gallon of water per hour.
    2. Beginning when you wake up each morning, be prepared to eat six to eight times per day. Even if you exercise first thing, eat a little something beforehand, just to get your system going. Eating six to eight times a day can be broken down any way you like — you can eat 3 snacks and 3 meals or 5 snacks and 2 meals — just arrange it so you are not hungry or skipping meals. Not eating regular meals can really sabotage a weight loss program.
    3. Focus on high quality foods. This doesnt include Taco Bell, and Pizza Hut. Make sure you get high quality protein, and stay away from all low fat and no fat products, which are loaded with sugar. Consume the rainbow, as far as fruits and vegetables are concerned, and make sure that includes at least one green item at every meal.
    4. Take supplements. The most important are fish oil softgels. Look for a product that is mined from deep water — ultra pure and pharmaceutical grade. This type of fish oil will increase your fat-burning ability by revving up your metabolism.
    5. Lower your sugar intake and eat more fiber. Find out which vegetables and fruits have the highest amounts of fiber and be sure to include them in your daily diet.
    A friend of mine recently dropped about 25 pounds, and one of the things he told me was, BillI just cant tell you how important increasing my water intake was. I started off drinking a gallon of water a day, and it was like the first 15 pounds just fell off. And once that first 15 pounds was gone, I started sleeping better, and His goal is 40 pounds, and hell make it easily, following just a few special concepts.
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